Have you ever experienced blessings so abundant that your heart was going to explode? This week has been one of supernatural overflow. I have been part of a group building a non-profit to feed people and we just celebrated the one year anniversary of the doors opening. Serving in the community has been part of my whole life as I have watched my parents lead by example. Children don’t hear what you say; they watch what you do.
Plugging into an organization that has been running for 20-30 years is a much different process than building one from the ground up. With all the things that need to be done, I feel as though I am riding a space shuttle that has just launched and I am hanging on for dear life. There have been more questions than answers. Our group is constantly seeking ways to do things better to serve the people in our community.
A few weeks ago I wrote a blog titled “3 words”. I invite you to go and read it to gain an understanding of choosing words. One of my words this year is “seek”. Every day I wake up seeking to experience a peace that passes all understanding. Just this week I read an article that peace starts with “trust” which leads to “thanksgiving”. Our mission at the non-profit is to create an environment of trust and transparency serving all who have a need to be filled. It was a timely read right before I shared all that had been accomplished within the first year at our anniversary celebration. When we experience true peace, our cups overflow. It all begins with trust. Trusting the process, trusting those who serve with you, trusting your instinct and knowing that no one is perfect. There will be times of great challenge, lack of understanding and heartbreak. When, not if, those times happen, make it your priority to seek new ways to create an environment of trust.
Trust leads to Thanksgiving bringing Peace and our souls are filled so full that our cups overflow.
Trust and Thanksgiving are decisions we must intentionally make in order to bring peace. We are the KEY to the supernatural overflow. Find a cause and pour yourself into the process of serving. You will wake up one day realizing you have been filled while filling others.
Until Next Friday . . .