Power of Vulnerability


When is the last time you felt vulnerable? Was it intentional or did you feel like it had happened to you? What if I told you that having a vulnerable spirit is the beginning of great things to come?

This past week I had the opportunity to prepare and share a message with my church family in worship service. The first step I take when working on a message is to visit the liturgical calendar websites to find out what scripture has been chosen for the date. The church worldwide uses this calendar as a guide to deliver messages during worship. Let me stop right here and let you know I am not an ordained minister. I am simply willing to put myself in situations to stretch and serve. Many times after saying “yes”, I wonder what I was thinking. The purpose of this blog is to share with you “Lessons Learned” so in that light I am accountable to bring you real lessons, not theory. Therefore, the commitment to continue to step out is somewhat is easier because I know you will be waiting to read something of value.

Let’s get back to the lesson of vulnerability. The lessons I studied over the past two weeks addressed the power of having a vulnerable spirit. We live in a culture that seeks protection. Why? Because our hearts have been broken, perhaps crushed. Seeking ways to numb the pain is an automatic reaction. When we choose to grab a drink, a pill or pull the covers over our head, not only do we numb the pain but we numb our vulnerability. It is not a question of “if”, it is a matter of “when”, we will be disappointed. The only way to walk in the power of vulnerability is to protect your spirit through thanksgiving and gratitude. We seek to be loved, accepted and served but we don’t want to love, accept others or serve. When you live with a mindset of gratitude and thanksgiving, it protects your vulnerable spirit to override your subconscious thinking. Thanksgiving is not a holiday, it is a LIFESTYLE.

I love what Dr. John C. Maxwell says, “encouragement is oxygen for the soul”. Our breathing tends to be shallow because we live in communities of fear, ungrateful attitudes and self serving agendas. Why is it that we have a hard time living a life of thanksgiving? Because it starts with choosing to have a vulnerable spirit.

There is no leadership without relationship. We are trying to lead, influence and grow missions and businesses but don’t want to take the time to build relationships. They are messy, challenging and frustrating. This is a test to see if we are qualified to lead. The most influential leaders of our time led from a vulnerable spirit willing to admit they have more questions than answers.

Are you a bit intrigued by the power of vulnerability? Check out these readings from the Bible, the greatest leadership book, to gain more understanding in how to walk with a vulnerable spirit: Song of Solomon 2:8-13 and James 1:17-27

Thank you again for reading these lessons each week. If you would like for me to share a lesson on a particular topic, please feel free to leave comment. I will continue to seek opportunities so that I can bring more “Lessons Learned” to you.


Until next Friday . . .