In my reading this week, I stumbled upon a quote “perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.” All week long I have been thinking about the layers of this one thought. Optimism is a choice. It is an awareness of the treasures that surround you on a daily basis.
Some of us are naturally optimistic while others look at life as a duty not a privilege. Which one are you? Where do your thoughts take you? Everything begins with a thought. I love early mornings before anyone else wakes up. The tea kettle waits for me to brew a cup of organic green tea with some stevia. I then shuffle over to the diffuser and choose an oil based on how my body is feeling. Then, I flip the John C. Maxwell calendar on the window ledge to see what words of wisdom jump off the page. I also have a perpetual calendar that has rested on my kitchen counter for 24 years. Love reading these little nuggets while the water is boiling. After preparing my tea, I head to my chair to meet with God. I am expecting great things as I start with a devotion, then journal and wrap up with a leadership book. After about an hour and half, the sun starts coming up, the birds are chirping and my family wakes up.
In the winter mornings I like to grab my fluffy, pink robe and step out onto the back deck and watch the stars dancing one last time before the sun peeks out. Is every morning like this, you ask? Absolutely not! However, I do have a standard for which I am envisioning all the time in hopes that most of my mornings will unfold as I have just described.
“Perpetual optimism is the force multiplier” is absolutely truth. What you focus on expands, and it all starts in the mind. What is most important to you? The common response I hear is “peace of mind”. This is not something that just happens. We have a responsibility to intentionally impact our own thoughts. One of the best books I have read about this topic is the “4:8 Principle” by Tommy Newberry. It is based on Philippians 4:8 and how we choose our own thoughts and cultivate an attitude of gratitude no matter the circumstances.
I encourage you to envision what your life could look like if you chose to remove the limiting beliefs. It is not about life getting easier; it is about you getting stronger to enjoy and handle what you encounter on the journey. When you do that, you are creating a legacy for generations, and that is the ultimate “force multiplier”. Until next Friday. . .