Seeing is Believing

How many times have you said “I will believe it when I see it.”?  The expectation of the fulfillment of promises made keeps us hopeful. Or does it? I am a rose colored glasses kind of girl. I always see the a glass half full and expect the best from everyone I meet. I expect my prayers to be answered, doors to be opened and miracles to happen every day.

The title of my post is “Seeing is Believing” which is what our culture screams. “I will believe it when I see it”. It is most often a sarcastic delivery because we don’t see the evidence of what has been promised. Does that mean it isn’t happening or we do we need to put on another pair of glasses?

How many pairs of glasses do you have in your house and car? Over the past few years, I have been collecting more of these cute accessories. They are everywhere! In fact, my mother has started giving me glasses to keep at my house for her visits.  I have a pink pair that I use when I read and then rhinestone pair to use while on the computer. People are even wearing glasses without a prescription as a fashion statement. Why so many pairs of glasses? I believe it is a sign of unconscious “HOPE”.  No matter where we are, there are a pair of glasses at our fingertips.

This is a lesson I am learning while counting my sets of glasses. We need reminders all around to encourage us to “hope”.  Have you ever been wearing a pair of glasses while having a pair on your head and a pair hanging from your neck? We are a people of “hope”.  Whether we want to admit it or not, we are always looking for the silver lining. That looking is “believing without seeing”. Sometimes it only takes a tiny shift in our thinking to take us to a new level of hope.  Every time you see a pair of glasses, I encourage you to see them a sign of HOPE. Hope is everywhere.

Until next Friday . . .

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