
Have you found it to be a challenge or complicated to “simplify”?  It takes a lot of work to SIMPLIFY. I have read countless articles on how to declutter and organize my office, house and life. The more I read and learn HOW, the WHY becomes even more apparent.

The past few months I have been working on a huge project to declutter and throw away some things I have been holding onto for “one day”.  One of the big items I have released is the stack of Bible studies workbooks and journals I have kept for 20 years. As I looked through the pages of these personal items, I realized what has been taking up physical space was also renting space in my mind. It wasn’t until I had been working for several weeks that I realized the transformation happening in my soul as I released all these items.

We are so incredibly blessed to live in the U.S. and have access to so many things and luxuries. Just because we can doesn’t mean we need to say yes to everything that crosses our paths. The number of storage units are staggering. We are holding onto to things just in case. Meanwhile, our souls are weighed down and we wonder why we are tired all the time. The exhaustion we see in America is more mental than physical. I remember growing up on a farm and working physically hard and I had no problem sleeping. As we continue to look for easier ways of doing things and rely so heavily on technology, our bodies are suffering.

As our world continues to advance and discover new ways of doing things, there is one thing that will never change…basic human nature.  Looking to prosper your soul? The prosperous soul walks in truth and love. Walking in truth implies knowing the truth. And, this is not done by accident. We must be intentional about decluttering our physical space so our souls can breathe.

Decluttering is not EASY but it will SIMPLIFY your life . . . Until next Friday

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