Welcome to my blog

My name is Mary Ann LeRay and my purpose is share "lessons learned" along my journey.
When waiting on the next train, we have the gift of pause. Enjoy these moments of reflection.

The Power of 3 Words

  Do you have a strategy to help you intentionally focus on your life’s goals? On New Year’s Day, it […]

Who is around you?

Have you looked lately to see who is around you? The 5 people that are in your space determine what […]

Beauty of the thorn

Summer is the season for breath taking beauty! My favorite flower is the rose. There are many messages this flower […]

Checking out

How often do you intentionally check out? What if we planned our lives the way we plan our vacations? This […]

Get a New Perspective

How are you seeing things these days? As a parent, I have taken so many pictures over the years of […]

A vision that drives you

  Do you have a vision that drives you? What is that one thing that you think about when you […]
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